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From Iron Workers Internationall’s Ironworker Magazine —
Foundation steel and union ironworkers meeting challenges head-on
How often do we hear the word “unprecedented” these days? That word seems to be all the rage, from COVID-19 to supply chain and labor issues. It is time to get over it, meet the challenges head-on, and exceed expectations. It’s what we do.
Established in 2008, Foundation Steel is a signatory contractor to the Iron Workers and more than a dozen Iron Workers’ local unions. The Foundation team comprises over 180-plus ironworkers specialized in reinforcing, structural steel, rigging, miscellaneous metals fabrication and installation, overhead crane maintenance and pre-engineered metal buildings.
Foundation Steel exceeds market standards and that is what happened exactly in their new Detroit division. Enter Colasanti Construction Services and the Joe Louis Arena (JLA) Residential Tower. The project had all the makings for “unprecedented” excuses — a demanding schedule, cutting-edge construction techniques, tight budgeting and a refined customer.
JLA Residential Tower is a 25-story, 500-unit apartment complex located on the site of the old Joe Louis Arena, the former home of the Detroit Red Wings. It is the first of several large structures planned for the site. Foundation Steel bid to and then negotiated with Colasanti Construction Services, one of the premier Detroit-based high-rise contractors. Foundation was awarded the full furnish and install reinforcement package, including rebar, post-tension labor and materials and ancillary necessities. The project was awarded based on pricing, capability to meet the schedule and a proven performance record on similar projects.
A heavily accelerated schedule was developed at contract time, putting the final roof slab pour on May 19, 2023. To meet the schedule, Foundation Steel was required to meet three-day durations for the 16,000-square-foot, post-tension deck pours, maintain a schedule on the central core, reinforce the stairs and set columns under significant time constraints. In addition, an innovative table system allowed Colasanti to form the next deck rapidly.
Foundation Steel mobilized for the first time on January 26, 2022. The first order of the day was a tight deep foundation scheduled with Toledo Caisson. Foundation Steel and Toledo Caisson worked to complete their portion of the project well within schedule, all while dealing with fierce winter weather blowing off the Detroit River. The union ironworkers of Local 25 (Detroit) and beyond performed well, consistently beating productivity and schedule goals.
Foundation Steel progressed quickly through the building foundations and was well positioned as the elevated decks began. The on-site team worked well with Colasanti crews, allowing time to be picked up in the margins. In addition, deck durations were able to tighten beyond schedule, allowing the project to pick up considerable time.
Foundation Steel sought to be the “go-to” solution for Colasanti. As a result, Foundation performed emergency structural work and light fabrication. It was available on short notice to take advantage of every opportunity to pick up hours or days of schedule. As a result, the final pour was completed on an impressive date of April 6, nearly a month and a half ahead of an already aggressive schedule.
Collaboration, innovation and aggressive manage ment led to a successful project measured in three main metrics:
Safety—Zero lost-time or recordable incidents.
Speed—25 stories of cast-in-place, post-tension decks, from caissons to complete in less than 15 months.
Customer satisfaction—Several larger jobs lined up with the same customer – Foundation only expects to improve on the JLA performance.
From unprecedented excuses to unprecedented success, the Foundation Steel team is ready to outperform on their project. The tradespeople of Foundation Steel and their local unions contributed 31,049 hours of union labor to the project and Detroit. They are the ones that truly deserve the thanks and the credit for bringing this American city back to life.
PHOTOS (top and below): Union ironworkers with Foundation Steel work the site of Detroit’s JLA Residential Tower, a 25-story, 500-unit apartment complex located on the site of the old Joe Louis Arena, the former home of the Detroit Red Wings. Credit: Ironworker Magazine photos.

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Suncoast Reinforcing is hiring!
If you’re looking for work, contact Suncoast Reinforcement for information about current openings.
We’re nearly always hiring skilled ironworkers, supervisors and helpers.
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