The Ironworker magazine — By Steve Rank —
Who is affected by heat illness?
Any worker exposed to hot and humid conditions is at risk of heat illness, especially those doing the heavy work many ironworkers perform daily. Some workers could be at greater risk if they have not built up a tolerance to hot conditions, including new workers, temporary workers, or those returning to work after a week or more off.
Reinforcing steel installation and carrying and installing rebar on decks and walls is a common work activity ironworkers perform that can produce much higher temperatures in full sun conditions and hot and humid conditions.
What is heat illness and how does it happen?
e body normally cools itself naturally by sweating, but sweating is not enough during hot weather, especially with high humidity. Body temperature can rise quickly to dangerous levels without proper precautions, such as drinking water frequently and access to shade or air conditioning. Heat stroke requires immediate medical attention.
How can heat illness be prevented?
To prevent heat illness, employers should establish a heat illness prevention program and work with their foremen to recognize the signs and symptoms of heat illness. Employers should provide water and shade; gradually increase workloads and allow more frequent breaks for new workers or workers who have been away for a week or more; modify work schedules as necessary; plan for emergencies and train workers about heat-related illness symptoms and prevention; and monitor workers for signs of illness.
Remember these three simple words: water, rest, shade. Taking these precautions can mean the difference between life and death.
Common heat illness symptoms
Heavy sweating
Painful muscle cramps
Extreme weakness and/or fatigue
Nausea and/or vomiting
Dizziness and/or headache
Body temperature normal or slightly high
Pulse fast and weak
Breathing fast and shallow
Clammy, pale, cool, and/or moist skin
Common heat stroke symptoms
High body temperature (above 103°F)
Hot, red, dry or moist skin
Rapid and strong pulse
Possible unconsciousness
Heat-related illness and fatality prevention
Drink water every 15 minutes, even if you are not thirsty
Move to a cooler location, rest in the shade
Apply cool, wet cloths on as much of your body as possible
Lie down and loosen your clothing
Wear a hat and light-colored clothing
Learn the signs of heat illness and what to do in an emergency
Keep an eye on coworkers
“Easy does it” on the first workdays in the heat — workers need to get used to it
What you should do if you see a member with heat illness symptoms
Call 911 immediately — this is a medical emergency
Move the person to a cooler environment
Reduce the person’s body temperature with cool cloths or even pouring water on them
Do NOT give fluids
Steve Rank is the Executive Director of Safety & Health for the Ironworkers International, and a member of Iron Workers Local #10 in Kansas City, MO.
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