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From union rodbuster to union contractor: Help is available to prepare you

Writer: Suncoast ReinforcingSuncoast Reinforcing

From Ironworker Magazine – By Mike Relyin –

One thing is readily and reliably apparent when you look at our union reinforcing contractors across the United States and Canada – the existence of rodbuster members who have ventured into business as reinforcing placers has dramatically affected the number of reinforcing contractors we have today.

While it may be tempting to think becoming a contractor is simple and everyone who becomes a contractor is successful, the truth lands far from that.

Becoming a union contractor is a daunting task fraught with various challenges; it requires dedication, long hours, personal and financial sacrifice, and undertaking significant risks. If making tons of money was as easy as trading in our rod belt for a contractor’s license, we would have all done it by now.

I wondered what number of our current rebar contractors went from ironworker members working in the rod patch to starting their own reinforcing placing companies. So, I asked around and searched through my contacts and easily came up with a list of about 50 (keep in mind this is only a fraction of the total member rebar companies with not all locals represented).

Seeing the list, I quickly realized the necessity of encouraging and developing new union reinforcing contractors. We can safely say that most union rebar contractors started as member rodbusters, including several women – our market share will not grow without them. So, whether it is your first year or 50th, on behalf of our membership, I would like to recognize member rebar contractors who employ our members every day.

Just a few of the reinforcing companies founded by ironworkers:

  1. AAA Reinforcing LLC

  2. AC Iron

  3. Alma Iron

  4. Ambar, Inc.

  5. Aztec Steel

  6. Bayshore Steel

  7. Beraca Steel

  8. Bulldog Construction

  9. CIJA Reinforcing

  10. City Re-Steel

  11. Clausen Structures

  12. Cruncher Construction

  13. D & K Welding

  14. E & J Rebar Inc.

  15. Gateway Construction

  16. Genesis Steel Service

  17. Horton Steel

  18. J & B Steel

  19. J & H Erectors

  20. K&N Steel

  21. Kadilex Construction

  22. Kelly Steel

  23. KLE Reinforcing

  24. Lund Rebar

  25. MA Rebar Services

  26. MidWest Rebar Services LLC

  27. Miller Rebar LLC

  28. Mitchell Steel

  29. NACK Reinforcing Steel Services

  30. New England Rebar

  31. Northern Steel Erectors LLC

  32. Oneil’s Construction

  33. Pacific Rod Iron

  34. Patzoldt Concrete

  35. Platinum Steel

  36. PNW Reinforcing

  37. Quality Re-Steel

  38. Ram Industries

  39. Reger Companies

  40. S & J Construction

  41. S & R Reinforcing

  42. South Coast Steel

  43. Suncoast Reinforcing LLC

  44. T & S Reinforcing

  45. Tanley Reinforcing

  46. Titan Reinforcing

  47. Top Iron Reinforcing

  48. Tri-State Rebar

  49. Triton Steel

  50. Tyler Reinforcing

  51. United Rebar

  52. VMR Contractors

  53. Washington Construction

  54. WestWind Reinforcing

  55. Whaley Steel

  56. Wisconsin Rebar Woody’s Rebar

  57. X & J Steel Construction

  58. … and many more.

Unfortunately, not all members who have gone into business have chosen to be union contractors. Some have taken the skills, knowledge, experience, support and expertise they have gained from everything our union offers and used it to compete against our fair union contractors.

They have chosen to turn their back on the principles they once promoted. Instead of giving back to the industry that provided for them, they have decided only to take. We may not always agree with signatory employers, but they are our union employers who must prevail over our competition.

We must continue to grow from within – to inspire members to take a chance at becoming the next union reinforcing employer.

As a union member, abundant resources are available to help prepare you to become a contractor. IMPACT offers education, tools and assistance for those willing to take the leap.

The Business Incubator Leadership Development (BILD) Program, Construction Contracting Business Fundamentals Academy, and Fundamentals of Cost Estimating and Bidding for Beginners (Rebar) are a few examples.

If you have seriously considered going into business as an ironworking contractor, take advantage of IMPACT’s educational opportunities. The BILD Program, will provide you with a structured business plan and coaching team to maximize your chances for success.

As a union, we must support our employers and do our part to make them successful. Without flourishing union employers, our members would not have the security of union wages and benefits.

So, who will be the next new rebar contractor in your local? Will it be you?

General Organizer Mike Relyin wrote this article for the August 2023 Ironworker Magazine, representing the Department of Reinforcing Ironworkers of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers, AFL-CIO (IW).

CAPTION (Above photo): IW members in an IMPACT Business Incubator Leadership Development course, Fundamentals of Cost Estimating and Bidding for Rebar, in Seattle in 2022.

Suncoast Reinforcing is hiring!

If you’re looking for work, contact Suncoast Reinforcement for information about current openings.

We’re nearly always hiring skilled ironworkers, supervisors and helpers.


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